Landmark partnership for Cloud-based analytics! IBM and Twitter!

Social Media to Social Business

A partnership has just been announced  between IBM and Twitter!

This alliance brings together Twitter data together with IBM cloud-based analytics, customer engagement platforms, and consulting services.

The collaboration will focus on IBM analytics services on the cloud, a new set of applications providing data-intensive capabilities for the enterprise, and  specialized enterprise consulting.

Entrepreneurs and software developers will also be able to integrate Twitter data into new cloud services they are building with IBM’s Watson Developer Cloud or IBM Bluemix platform-as-a-service.

Check out Twitter’s blog!

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What’s up Watson? Using IBM Watson’s QAAPI with Bluemix, NodeExpress – Part 1

Giga thoughts ...

In this post I take the famed IBM Watson through the paces (yes, that’s right!, this post is about  using the same  IBM  Watson which trounced 2 human Jeopardy titans in a classic duel in 2011).  IBM’s Watson (see  What is Watson?) is capable of understanding the nuances of the English language and heralds a new era in the domain of cognitive computing. IBM Bluemix now includes 8 services from Watson ranging from Concept Expansion, Language Identification, Machine Translation, Question-Answer etc. For more information on Watson’s QAAPI and the many services that have been included in Bluemix please see Watson Services.

In this article I create an application on IBM Bluemix and use Watson’s QAAPI (Question-Answer API) as a service to the Bluemix application. For the application I have used NodeExpress to create a Webserver and post the REST queries to Watson.  Jade is used format the…

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3 great European Entrepreneurs improving lives with mobile, 3D printing and retail in the cloud!

Social Media to Social Business

SmartCamp season is in full swing in Europe this month, and I’ve got some great news I want to share with you!

Let’s start in Warsaw, Poland!

Have you ever considered how convenient it would be to create a mobile app in under 24 hours? Kinetise has, and that’s why they won the IBM SmartCamp Warsaw event!

Kinetise is a SaaS solution for rapid and easy creation of mobile applications for small business, a great fit for IBM MobileFirst!

Even the most complex and advanced applications can be built with Kinetise because their development engine supports a wide variety of functionality, including design freedom, 2-way communication with external servers, user authentication, and integration with various popular APIs. Follow them @Kinetise.


Next up is Berlin!

Tiramizoo won the SmartCamp Berlin event with their same-day delivery cloud solution!

Tiramizoo provides a same day delivery solution for local e-tailers and retailers, and it…

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The Watson Ecosystem Expansion on Bluemix and in multi Industries!

Social Media to Social Business

We (IBM) announced 7 new Watson API services available on BlueMix, enabling developers to use a wide variety of Watson capabilities. The first wave of Watson-powered apps is debuting in industries such as travel, retail, healthcare, and more. One example is a new company launched by Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity and, aimed at reinventing the travel experience with Watson.

Transforming Travel

WayBlazer (Austin, TX), a new company led by travel visionary and entrepreneur Terry Jones — founder of Travelocity and founding chairman of, is looking to redefine the travel experience. Researching travel alternatives can be a near impossible chore. Even for travelers that know their destination and dates, the sheer breadth of options and overwhelming amount of data requires visiting 20 or more website to research, compare, and book a leisure holiday. Powered by the cognitive intellect of Watson, WayBlazer knows, engages, advises, and learns about a…

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Bluemix gets your deployments rolling, rolling, rolling…..

Dan Toczala's Blog

I recently spent some time with some of our most knowledgeable Bluemix people.  We were helping one of our customers explore the possibilities of Bluemix for their organization.  Dan Berg and Scott Rich are two of the sharper guys I know, and they were helping us.  Dan Berg came up with a great technique that enables “Blue/Green” (or rolling) deployments on Bluemix.

You can read his developerWorks article, Automate Rolling Deployments with IDS for Bluemix , and learn how to do this.  The code samples and public Bluemix project that he provides allow anyone to be able to expose this kind of capability for their Bluemix users.  I was going to post my version of the directions for doing rolling deployments in this blog article, but Dan’s is very clear and easy to follow.  He even has links to the Bluemix project with sample code, and links to a…

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